In search of 5G/IoT situational awareness

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is asking researchers and entrepreneurs for information on developing a ubiquitous and robust 5G/IoT Situational Awareness System (5i SAS) that both enhances situational awareness of current platforms and identifies potentially dangerous 5G components and…

Senate bill boosts penalties for cyber criminals

New legislation aims to create stricter penalties for cyberattacks against critical infrastructure and give the Justice Department more options for bringing charges against criminals in foreign countries. The International Cybercrime Prevention Act is co-sponsored by Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Lindsey…

Cyber EO will drive zero-trust progress

The tight deadlines featured in President Joe Biden’s cybersecurity executive order will push agencies to make “meaningful progress” on zero-trust initiatives, federal officials said. Most agencies had started working on their zero trust implementation plans, and the White House had already…

NYC opens cyber operations center

New York City is opening a cybersecurity operations center staffed with 282 public- and private-sector partners who will be sharing intelligence on potential cyber threats. Until last week, the New York City Cyber Critical Services and Infrastructure initiative, which was…