Yelp is making it easier for users to search for Asian-owned businesses

Yelp is rolling out a new tool that will allow businesses the option to identify themselves as Asian-owned, chief diversity officer Miriam Warren announced today. The new optional attribute will make it easier for Yelp users to find and support Asian-owned businesses easily.

Business owners will be allowed to edit their existing listing on Yelp and select the attribute that notes they are an Asian-owned business. The feature will be available when a business owner logs in to their Yelp for Business account. Once enabled, users who filter by “Asian owned” restaurants will find a list of businesses near their location that have self-selected that attribute. Yelp previously rolled out similar attributes for businesses to display, such as the option to identify as Black- or women-owned.

Yelp also confirmed in its latest Economic Impact Report on diverse businesses that searches on Yelp for Asian-owned businesses increased by 130 percent in February. The company also said that, during the months of April and May, the Yelp Foundation will double match any donations a Yelp employee makes to selections that are Asian American and Pacific Islander-serving, such as Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta and Stop AAPI Hate.

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